Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Two-Hour delay opinion post

Well, I was told to make a post about my opinion on two hour delays. Obviously, as a student, I like them, shortened class periods, les time til my basketball game/practice, it's nice. I use the time I get in the morning to(wait for it, wait for it) get up early and(wait, wait)play games! Yeah, I hate sleep.
---Author, Cameron

Friday, December 7, 2007

Check this out

I found this awesome as a opossum game...check it out...

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Ok, so today is December 6th(officially 2 weeks till Chirstmas, not x-mas, christmas) and I have created my blog. WELCOME TO YOUR DOOM!!!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!! Feel free to take some cupcakes, cuz we all deserve a snack...And if ya don't eat 'em, I'll go home and feed them to the cats...Other than Paul, Paul is pretty fat for a cat. I just realized something, Paul isn't a cat name...Well...I'm gunna go rectify that problem *runs*

---Author, Cameron